Mother Energy
Baby girl, daughter, young woman, mom….
Everything starts naturally. Our parents know that they have to give us time to learn, to adopt. With the purest form of Love that exists in the Universe, our mothers take care of us withe only goal in their Heart - To Be Safe, Well and Loved. Countless stories about sleepless nights, all day cries, all day in arms gently whispering on baby’s ear that everything will be fine… those are just cramps because tummy is adopting to new food… those are just teeth growing… Moms can easily forget when they have eaten last time, when they have slept more than two consecutive hours, when they had 5 minutes of quiet time - only mother has it and it is born with this Superhuman power. Each girl is born with Power in her DNA and within those 9 months of pregnancy (and one year before getting pregnant, when ‘‘Baby Chakra’’ opens) this DNA trait is getting awakened. Mom’s love, the Love as it is designed by the God Source. Supportive, Grateful, Total Lack of Judgment, Understanding, Full of trust!
Than something happens, something so obvious in our History which in last decade, or so, has immerged and more and more people are starting to react on it. Everything in Our society is created to be against Woman and as consequence of that, against the Family core.
Just because women were reading, they were burned alive. When they were boiling herbs and helping people, they were burned alive. They had different opinion, they were burned alive. It was normal, and in some places still is, for them to be beaten - just because… Later on, in known history, some ‘‘smart guy’’ came out and said - let them (women) work and Tax them as well - the moment kids were left alone and degradation of human kind began. Because only Mother’s Love and presence can cultivate a heathy Human being.
The woman has certain powers that a man will never poses. We are created like that. Male - Female energies are different, they serve different purpose but combined they create New Lives, hole Universes, Heal deepest wounds.
I had a chance to work with some young women which have started to see the Unfairness of the society towards them. They want the change, they feel that they have to react in a certain manner, they want to protect other women which are not aware of this (Amazing!!!). They have only one ‘‘flaw’’ in their way of thinking - They are looking for the solution with in the very same System which has created this reality.
Female energy is the Love energy, as the God Source designed it to be. From the moment a female DNA gets the chance to create and nurture Life, they start developing these powers, which are only intended for Life Supporters. We the Men, have equal importance in creating a life but we are not blessed with the power to support it or nurture it, with out even thinking of it. We all know for women in the most cruel environments on the planet, which are giving birth to perfectly healthy babies, in concentration camps during WW II… So, just imagine the amount of Life Force a women can posses, every women’s potential!
On one occasion I was presented with this simple explanation, out of nothing as always is with these messages.
‘‘On an empty surface, plane, an energy was pouring from above, from the God Source it self. As I was observing this Event, suddenly, like a river bed, started manifesting and gently, softly, with great humility and gratefulness, the energy started flowing with in this River bed. It was going away with a strong sense of complete purpose, with a more clear goal. In the next moment all of this space (lets say the sky above, for the purpose of understanding) started to get filled with stars, galaxies…new life.
The explanation followed - That energy which was being purred from the God Source was a female energy. River bed which was guiding that Female energy was a Male energy. The result of this perfect symbiose was the Creation of life it self. The perfect Equilibrium.’’
I have a habit of saying, that Men are like Farmers. We plant the seed in this amazing fertile ground, and the Earth with a bit of water and Sun, gives this Divine present. We got no idea how it goes, but we blindly trust the outcome.
Do you think that the saying ‘‘Mother Earth’’ has no deeper meaning in it?
We like to say that Mothers have a tendency to Spoil kids, and that Fathers are more strict, with more direct approach. If we merge this observation with Facts (I firmly stand that these are facts!) previously mentioned, we can easily see the Energy pattern in it’s brightest.
Mother, the unlimited source of the Purest Love Energy, will do anything to fill needs of her child. She does that from the moment she hears the first breath of her baby, the moment she feels the baby on her skin, smell it, kiss it… We have to acknowledge that its not that simple to draw a line, and stop that pattern suddenly. To start behaving more rational over night. It is a procedure and many moms never accomplish, even when the child becomes parent. Mom is always a Mom, with all of her needs to take care of ‘‘her child’’ in her own way.
Father lives pregnancy, but doesn’t nurture life from almost nothing. We are just about fifteen months late (pregnancy + the period when baby starts realizing the world around her, beside mom) to start living the Story of creation. The truth is that we are learning, we do not have it innate. We have to observe to learn, we have to live it to feel it. We support mom, we take care of mom as much as we can but, we still need time to feel the life that we also have created.
Along the road, we realize that Dad is that River Bed which guides a small portion of this abundance of energy. We will be more firm, because we want to guide the child in a more strict way, towards a certain pattern. It’s almost as we have a certain Trash Hold which we place and we do not let our child pass back. For us its “more OK’’ to let child to struggle with something in order to learn.
The Life it self is designed in a perfect balance of Energies. When we start respecting others for what they are, this Divine balance starts kicking in and let us effortlessly manifest. Sometimes we will provide support, sometimes we will accept the support. This is not measurable. This just IS.
Be well, Keep centered
Your’s truly,
Marko Micic